
August Cleansing Report

A productive month keeping the city sparkling for summer


BID Lead

August was a busy month for the cleansing team as they focussed their efforts on BID area hotspots to ensure a spotless city centre for those visiting and working in the city.

The team have helped to keep Glass Wharf spotless for our Summer on the Quay furniture and arrival of Sweet Mondays throughout August. They have also been busy watering our Love Bristol planters and green wall to ensure they are green and thriving throughout the warmer months.

The team responded to 4 business community requests this month and covered an impressive 390 miles. Deep clean locations this month included Redcliff Street, St Philips Bridge and Portwall Place, keeping the city centre cleaner one business at a time.

The team removed a total of 94 graffiti tags this month bringing the yearly total to 1364. If you spot any graffiti in the area, please report online to help tackle prolific graffiti in the city.

report graffiti

We would like to thank Richard and Martin for their hard work and dedication this month and beyond.

To submit your own cleansing request, please get in touch.




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A month of increased street cleaning and graffiti removal to keep the city spotless



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