
Promoting Sustainable Lunch Habits: Join the ‘Bring Your Own Lunchbox’ Movement

BID aims for a surge in use of reusable lunchboxes to celebrate World Refill Day, 16 June.


Following the launch of Redcliffe & Temple BID’s ‘Bring Your Own Lunchbox’ campaign last summer, the BID are hoping for an increase in take up to celebrate World Refill Day.

The BID, in conjunction with Finzels Reach and Temple Quay markets, are calling on customers to use World Refill Day to act as the catalyst for regularly bringing their own lunchbox and reducing waste from the popular food markets.

Recent survey data showed that whilst 44% of respondents were aware you could take their own lunchbox, only 7% of respondents were regularly taking their own container.

To celebrate World Refill Day, the BID are offering you the chance to win a £50 Love Bristol Gift Card and two Mabboo lunchbox and cutlery sets. Just take a picture of you enjoying some food from Finzels Reach Market or Temple Quay Market with your own lunchbox, then share it on social media of your choice, tagging @RedcliffeandTempleBID and #WorldRefillDay.

View Prize Draw T&Cs


Speaking about the initiative, Project Manager Tom Swithinbank emphasised the importance of Refill:

“With the four markets dishing up an incredible 3000 lunches to their customers each week, the inevitable waste is significant, with almost all of it going straight to landfill. The best way to change this is by people providing their own container when enjoying a delicious lunch. We really hope people embrace the campaign this summer and taking your own lunchbox becomes the norm in Bristol.”

Tom also called on offices to support the campaign by stocking their own supply of containers for people to take to the markets, enhancing sustainability within their office environment.

“We want this to be as normal as getting a bowl for your soup from the cupboard; you take the container to the market, enjoy your lunch and put the container in the dishwasher when you are finished, in the same way as you would if you were grabbing a bowl or plate for your lunch.”

Please get in touch if you want to purchase containers for your office as we have done some research into a few different options. We would also love to celebrate your company on our website and social media! 

If you have any questions about this campaign, please contact Tom for more information.  


Our Sustainability Commitment

We identified six SDGs which we will focus on during this BID term. 
This project primarily supports SDG12 – Responsible Consumption and Production 



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