Redcliffe & Temple BID
22/11/2022 12:30 pm

Lunchtime Gardening

Quaker Burial Ground

Help create nature rich habitats in the heart of Bristol.

Upcoming Sessions

Put your lunchbreak to good use and join us and the local charity Your Park Bristol & Bath to add new planting to Redcliffe and Temple to help create more welcoming and biodiverse green spaces.

Now that autumn is drawing in, it’s the perfect time to prepare for spring. Get to know new people while planting hundreds of spring bulbs that will provide that first hit of nectar for pollinators emerging early next year. By planting thousands of bulbs, you will be helping lift people’s moods and supporting the city’s response to the ecological emergency.

We will provide everything you need. Show up dressed for the weather and enjoy 45 minutes of getting back to nature and helping to love your local park.

We will also provide free hot drinks and biscuits.

Upcoming Sessions

Upcoming Sessions

Tuesday 22 November

Quaker Burial Ground, 12:30-1:15pm

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